Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When Will Fakku Come Back

National Day of Primary Care

In this day, the Forum for Primary Care Physicians, which represents professional organizations of primary care medical nationwide, has called the National Day of Primary Care, (here in Murcia should be the day of the "Area of \u200b\u200bcontinuity of care" and that is how we are represented in the flowchart of Management and Single as you see we have lost by losing to the name). In this blog we subscribe to the publication of the text:

Call the door! We will no longer regularly called

Written by Robert Sanchez. Medical fourth-year resident of Family and Community Medicine. Prosperity Health Center. Madrid

If you had a health problem he had to make an appointment with your doctor and felt that he waited several days to be seen, waited a long time in the waiting room, he passed to the query will not let you speak enough to tell their problem, we explored above, you dispatched quickly, he requested a blood test or a test or take long to make an appointment with the specialist never came ... should you read these lines that follow.
Although people do not realize when he says that "medicine is a vocational profession" refers to the doctor, which is the basis of the health system. One is not born with a vocation to watch films or deal with a kidney.
Now the doctor Family Medicine is studying exceeds the MIR and four years of specialty. It is a versatile professional, approachable, common diseases specialist, highly qualified to make difficult decisions in difficult cases, knowing the limits of their knowledge in some areas and a professional above all, human and close to their patients. The doctor knows them well and that allows you to make more appropriate to the case that if he did not. Everyone likes it when the doctor will always be the same because it is the known.
Well, it so happens that those who command and doctors who know little of family, health centers and public health because they use are destroying this system is so well appreciated by people.
If things continue at this rate GPs soon disappear as it is or your figure will be reduced to symbolic.
Do you know why they say that doctors are needed in Spain? Doctors there, if any, would let more people studying the race and ready. The problem is that many people who want to study medicine, but nobody wants to be a doctor. There is more to take a look these days to the election of graduates who choose a specialty after making the MIR.
Why? The Departments of Health of all the autonomous communities, irrespective of their political, abuse greatly to their family doctors.
They get 5 minutes per patient (as the patient walks in, greets him, it shakes hands, sits down and consider what happens to you, and have been 4, and remains to be explored, decide on the diagnosis, to treatment, give the recipes, maybe lower, maybe ask some evidence, review their past problems, review the medicines you take ...), lists of up to 50 and 60 patients a day, they are subject to multiple red tape have to do home visits and emergencies that arise ...
So it is impossible to take good care of your people, so it's easy to pass you something big, something happens to any patient for lack of adequate conditions for work. When things happen, come the cries. Not only is that one day a disaster occurs in this sense, but family doctors want to give quality care, under the conditions that people deserve to pay their taxes.
more Physicians have older who have always identified themselves with their work, but now there is an unbridgeable gap between them and their bosses who are not sensitive to improvement proposals that seem to live on another planet.
The situation of young doctors is even more worrisome. Required, during the first ten years of practice to go back and forth. Contracts of days in various health centers, some weeks when you try to catch you up on Friday to not pay you the weekend. Instability, insecurity. Most of them choose to leave and re-submit the MIR for another specialty, or go to work in emergencies hospitals, or other units, such as home care or emergency, or abroad ...
That's the real reason why there are no doctors in Spain.
Family medicine cracks, gentlemen.
On April 12 is World Day of Primary Care and shift the union bosses will be the photo with the politicians of the day, but the reality is not built from top to bottom, but below upwards.
Professionals are motivated, want to change things for you, because they care, as in the slogan, people. But is that alone can not. Management as an Autonomous Community Counseling or Ministry of Health is not sensitive, it never was, to their requests.
why they need your help. This time the doctors tell you helps to draw the attention of the rulers.


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