Friday, February 18, 2011

Why Is Dimethicone Bad For Your Skin

The Community Care in our Health Center

live difficult times for Community Care in our region, at least in its classical sense or . Beside the lack of professional culture of health in the process of community involvement and the antibodies generated in the early promotion of family doctors to health diagnoses absurd and lacking in social methodology (many hours to be forgotten the most hidden file), add the "snowball" of deformation teacher (who does not know and can not teach), a managerial orientation toward pure and simple assistance (community action is relegated to the vocation and outside working hours), a political action Explicit repealing the provision of health advice zone and, finally, a formal structure of a society "made some foxes within a social context of anesthesia and apathy towards participation and collaboration.
In this scenario, learn and practice community care is a pipe dream that exceeds the official program of the specialty of family medicine and community , the PACAP and any sincere concern of a professional support and commitment required to initiate a community process .
What can we do? First, so clear: what we can. Family physicians are professionally obliged to carry out these activities if we claim our expertise, not to be "poor internists system" and, secondly, guardians, we must instill a community vision for our residents if only to undo the above " snowball "and project a more hopeful future.
What we are doing from the Health Center Vistalegre-Fleet (incidentally, the only area that lacks CS social worker)? As two community activities:
- The ATENCOM project © . Is the project of promoting residents 2008-2011. Based on the biopsychosocial approach, seeking to introduce an EU approach in the daily practice of the family doctor through the incorporation of the "requirement" of associations of patients to patients with health problems can be improved with this association board . Let the residents responsible for the project a specific entry in this blog itself.
- The draft HEALTH EDUCATION for the IES FLEET. 2010-2011. This project is the result of two years of collaborative work CS-IES and adopts the methodology of Plan for Health Education in School of the Region of Murcia . A project to health promotion aimed at training in knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that contribute to healthy lifestyles purchase. Along with the family, schools are one of the key places where development takes place individual and social, which can address specific health issues and where interventions to promote health are profitable. employs the concept of best education practices health in schools , so states that have activities to do and star linked and integrated with the core activity of educational institutions and involve all members of the educational community (managers and administrative, faculty, students, parents and mothers) so they are not isolated initiatives of a few teachers or health workers enthusiasts, but the expression of explicit commitment of the entire institution to improving health conditions, learning and quality of life of all its members. extending activities arise in time as sporadic actions that occur in response to short-term or crisis situations, have little impact. In addition s, include several components (multifactorial approach) and also contemplated the establishment of effective mechanisms for collaboration, or strategic alliances between the school and other sectors and stakeholders from the local community, such as NGOs or community-based , and health and social services.
But what began as a top program in the current situation has been reduced to a minimum after the approval of the Act Extraordinary Measures for the Sustainability of Public Finances .

Anyway, these two projects are the only sense of community that we are developing in our Health Center. We do what we can and we in this line of work we have, at least with a major asset for: our perseverance


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