two qualifications before speaking of this spending: the impact of accessibility to this expense and components of it (spending on prescriptions and hospital costs)
If this is the domestic situation in the European context position Region of Murcia in pharmaceutical spending in Spain has a special relevance as we will see
Pharmaceutical expenditure has two components: spending on prescriptions and hospital consumption. The first is easy to get published data but the second, although I have no doubt that the administration officials have not published with the same abundance and updating, are grouped in the tangle of current expenses scattered in the single management so that I could not access them as I would have liked. If I can say that the hospital pharmacy had some increases between 1999 and 2005 from 147.5% in our region compared to 141.1% national. I also know that they are the main concern in the administration of not only its volume but, above all, its annual increases (17% in 2009 "?)
This assumes particular importance when we speak of the culture of cost containment in primary care and hospital. In Primary we have spent many years talking about rational drug use, while in hospitals is a new culture that does not assume the same manner as observed when the same doctor, the hospital uses medications approved by the Commission of Pharmacy and instead, recommends in its outpatient the latest therapies that have no therapeutic value to a much higher price. This effect on induced prescription (20-80% according to studies) is one of the most important controversies in the prescription by prescription.
However, for prescription drug spending , is an important element that differentiates us from other regions. While in Spain in 2010 decreased by -2.36% compared to 2009, in Murcia increased by 1.93, but this comparison may be misleading, because in 2009 our data rule out certain regional government consumption as absorbent pads for urinary or fecal incontinence (and thus fared better in 2009) and the rest of CCAA has done in 2010 (why the increases in spending cuts in them are not so large as to give print. So in terms of increase, not so good we were last year, not so bad this
This drug spending is more evident when adjusted for rate aging of the population, is a more accurate indicator to differentiate spending by age of the population, by introducing the principle that the larger is, the greater their drug needs. However, this expenditure is the highest set of all regions except Canary Islands (Murcia € 354.98 € 265.96 against the national average)
is also serious that little has decreased the average cost per prescription because, while the national average has dropped to 12.75 € (-4.79% compared to 2009) in Murcia has stabilized in € 13.62 (with just a drop of -1.78%). Something similar happened to the number of prescriptions billed that relative to 2009, has suffered Murcia increased 3.78% to 2.56% against the national average.
Thus, the English are European citizens consume more drugs and, in the English, Murcia much more than the national average. This is a health concern of the first magnitude that two possible approaches, not antagonistic, but with a significant qualification when approaching treatment, drug use and health expenditure (problem management) or as over-medicalization of the population (public health problem.) With the first approach, a manager would be tempted to negotiate lower drug prices
Si pensamos en el gasto farmacéutico como problema de salud pública, deberíamos pensar en si tomar más fármacos hace que la población de la Región de Murcia obtenga mejores resultados en salud que la del resto del país. Ese será el tema para el siguiente capítulo de esta serie.
Nota, si estáis interesados en el análisis que, bajo el título de “Insostenibilidad económica del Sistema Público de Salud” que ha elaborado la Plataforma NO Gracias. Nodo de la Región de Murcia”. (Muchas Abel Novoa thanks for sharing this effort) can visualize the next.
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