Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cake Cappucino With Moka Pot


New Reflections of our R4, Dr. Yanira de la Torre

As we all know time does not exist in our country specialized in emergency medicine and emergency, so that, in most cases, emergencies are handled by specialists in Family and Community Medicine.

Given this situation, one would expect in this specialty are properly train residents to perform efficiently and certain ease his work in the field of Family Medicine and in the ER. I am a resident family of "near seniors" and begin to consider the employment potential in the future I will have next. I am interested in the work that my colleagues are doing now, "adjuntillos." Many make substitutions in a health center, but many others working in the EMU or a PCES, like it or not, is the work that has been offered.

Given this reality, I wonder, am I really ready for proper care in the field of outpatient emergency? What do I know intubation, stops, mobilization of multiple trauma, non-invasive ventilation, intraosseous medication ....? NOTHING. And training is provided in the last year of residency the acquisition of these skills? NO.

spent many hours in the hospital emergency room, but as cheap labor, since most of the guards performed the pits watching the interesting cases, but also a lot of trash and, of course, many situations of risk vital imminent. I think I can count on the fingers of "hemodynamic" I've seen in years and never was alone, of which I have to say I'm glad. Also in the Morales Meseguer Hospital is giving priority to training in "beds" where they are more severely ill patients, residents, hospital specialty, so The family partners have now been completed in the best case, about 50 guards in beds, 5 guards for a month for 10 months (while "scholars" are from Year 2 made). 10 months to 4 years. Why so few? For the rest of the time is spent taking work forward in the pits. But our contract is a contract of training in addition to care? SI.

This text attempts to reflect on the functioning of the system. If you expect to be ready to deal with emergencies in any context, why not me is my management? To this question I have no answer ...


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