Monday, June 22, 2009

Find Bordeaux Robert Stanley Ribbon


In commemoration of the late Uruguayan writer Mario Benedetti, born a new section Profession Humanists call: "The corner of Haiku, the 17 syllables that envy Mario Benedetti. "

These lines will make you able to rejoice in your bed post natal. The way you look suspicious and intolerant, it can only be read by people gourmets and poetic alternative.

There are only rare occasions and places where you can read these Haikus, and they are:

1) While you nana makes your bed.
2) When you listen to Silvio Rodriguez and identify yourself with your unicorn.
3) Taking a tea and watching as your life is just a theatrical metaphor.
4) At the moment you are analyzing the particles of H20 and try to make sense of their aesthetic
figure 5) lie to dig your nose in search of food
6) After you see where Elisa and stay in ecstasy with Commissioner Rivas
7) Only if you have had swine flu and are immune
8) When you walk by the beach and throw stones at seagulls

Here are some major advances made by stars Haikus haikuril world ...

"I'm helpless as a pen without a lid, I have fear"
(Gonzalo Cáceres)

"Undertaker won the world championship wrestling"
(Sergio Markarian)

"In my house there are bushes"
(Super talde)

"I left the bicycle chain"
(Hans Pozo)

"When I play my guitar strings moving"
(Benjamín Vicuña)

"When an orange hair I love your jump acid in my eyes" (Jim Morrison)

___________________________________________________________________ comment, and enter your Haiku ... You will earn fabulous prizes


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