In these last days we are experiencing a wave of endless political interference from abroad on all of the so-called Bolivarian, starting with the first circus owner and anything less than hugo chavez better known as the dictator of Venezuela, but before his negative view on the intrusion must be aware that the lower sectors of Venezuela to respect the Venezuelan government's hand the direction of the economy by the division of oil revenues and improving education and overall health for the whole population which if seen from a neutral point of view of social justice and is going in the right direction but that the correct path in quotes because here comes the big problem with the fact that insufficient thought, which can all, who can criticize, you can close the channels and abuses of authority, came to the end to hire sharpshooters to kill people who did protest against their government because they disagreed with his way of proceeding, there is another detail of the arrogance that can decide who says what is right and who is not when you do not Like commands to silence the person who said, and when he pleases like a clear example was what happened with Vargas Llosa qie there in Venezuela going to a conference of the opposing party poruqe believes that there is no democracy, adding to the happy program Alo Presidente ceativo something new and to be honest as a way of recognizing that program but it is also their ayayeros ensalsa and the question was whether not allowing any character who is credited with liberalism, because it sends his henchmen to our country to give lectures of the Bolivarian movement, in short no one can go to complain to their country of phthalates of democracy, but if he can come to ours to preach his politics, can fianciar political parties (whether or no sir that is the titerillo huamla chavez), so that you follow the steps, lack of staff has chavez venguerza to sleep I think that says the same nonsense, his dream of the think from my point of view is to dominate South America and make his farm that is my opinion to anyone chavez invite you to comment on the Peru and especially on alan it will not be the wonder of the world, nor convince me as rules but ultimately just the people will chose to govern the way we like peru or not, as ever heard phrase "state and government of Peru is a true reflection of how the majority of Peruvians are" and which I agree with you though it hurts me is an absolute truth today.
Turning to the second favorite titerillo intrusive and President Evo Morales chavez, this character is one of the most critical launches peru, my question is the country of Bolivia is well recently, was not troubled by various problems that went on Bolivian government, because Mr. Evo Morales gets into lños problems with chile peru who invited him to the conversation, or what your personal intentions, wants his little plot of beach to go to Miami and buy it, I remember evo read story moral and Indage poruqe Bolivia lost its territory and as betraying the war with Peru in Chile and Bolivia also remind you that was part of Peru, but by an act of self-centeredness of simon bolivar they were born, so uqe tell this man but I think never leerea this humble article to be quiet, to be troubled by his country has to solve their homes, and if we add to that the parliamentarians come to annoy our country to warm to the population who are they to talk about politics, are people prepared, know the reality of our country, or are people who live of populism, but the big problem of the Peruvian always listening to what you should and when should it not become deaf that is our culture even if it hurts, popuilista why these serve only to talk and not talk about solutions, like many of our parliamentarians to appoint not finish the list, which Evo Morales first take an interest in your country and still interesandote for your problems do not in ours Metos .
the third party taking all but I think in a much shorter range, the problem is more to Colombia than with us, Mr. Belt, you only get to hear when talking about our government but from there nothing else, so talk He would be more by that time I talk so my question to you also see the three peru much interest in us because I do the big question, of the FTA was signed personally by country, as other agreements way by which they are not affected, but as they say God has given mouth to talk like that from time to time we will continue to endure, but one must be silent, to leave us in peace.